Professional Grooming school

For aspiring pet groomers in Astoria, Bayside, and Manhattan, Rapawzel Professional Pet Grooming School opens the door to mastering the art of pet grooming. Our mission is to nurture your skills in providing top-notch grooming services, ensuring every pet not only looks their best but also benefits from the care and attention they deserve, contributing to their overall well-being.

Upon your first encounter with the Rapawzel Team, we’ll dive deep to understand your aspirations and the specific skills you wish to develop. Together, we’ll tailor the perfect Training Program that aligns with your goals in the grooming industry. After our initial discussion, you’ll feel confident and excited, knowing you’re on the path to becoming a skilled pet groomer, equipped to handle the needs of pets with compassion and expertise.

Opt for Rapawzel Professional Pet Grooming School for an educational journey that’s as personalized as it is comprehensive. We’re committed to preparing you for a fulfilling career in pet grooming, ensuring you have the knowledge, techniques, and understanding to provide exceptional care to our furry friends.

Package 1

  • Pet safety handling
  • Feature 2
  • Up to 2 months of training
  • And we help them to get a bather position
  • Tools, equipment, operating and maintenance
  • Bath, Brushing, nails, ears, removing matts, sanitary ( NO HAIRCUT)

Package 2

  • Pet safety handling
  • Hands on grooming techniques
  • Scissor body and head
  • Cuts with clippers
  • Tools, equipment, operating and maintenance
  • Bath, Brushing, nails, ears, removing matts, sanitary
  • The person comes out as a COMPLETE groomer.

We will offer a 10% discount for both packages.


Who is it for?

Rapawzel Professional Pet Grooming School is designed for a diverse group of individuals who share a common passion for animals and a desire to pursue a career in pet grooming. Whether you are someone looking to change careers, a pet lover eager to professionalize your grooming skills, or a current pet care professional aiming to expand your service offerings, our program is tailored for you.

  • It is perfect for animal enthusiasts who have always wanted to work closely with pets and are seeking a fulfilling career path that combines their love for animals with a practical skill set.
  • Current pet care workers, such as dog walkers, pet sitters, or veterinary technicians, looking to enhance their qualifications and offer additional services to their clients.
  • Career changers who are in search of a more rewarding and passionate line of work. Our program offers the training and support needed to transition smoothly into the pet grooming industry.
  • Aspiring entrepreneurs who dream of opening their own pet grooming business. Our school provides not only the technical skills but also insights into the business aspects of running a grooming service.
  • Pet owners interested in learning professional grooming techniques to care for their own pets better. While the focus is on professional training, pet owners can gain valuable skills to keep their pets looking and feeling their best.

At Rapawzel Professional Pet Grooming School, we welcome students from various backgrounds and levels of experience. Our comprehensive curriculum, supportive learning environment, and hands-on training are designed to equip each student with the knowledge, techniques, and confidence to succeed in the growing field of pet grooming.

Call us today!